Monday, June 1, 2015

Mother - Real Face

Extracted from

Man Pushes Wife To Save Himself From A Sinking Cruise Ship. But The Reality Is Priceless.

A teacher was tutoring a class of students when she relayed a story about a cruise ship capsized while at sea, and on the ship was a couple that managed to make their way to a lifeboat but realized there was only space for one. You’ll never guess what lesson they learned from the story.
A cruise ship met with an incident at sea. On the ship was a couple, after having made their way to the lifeboat, they realized that there was only space for one person left.
At this moment, the man pushed the woman behind him and jumped onto the lifeboat himself.
The lady stood on the sinking ship and shouted one sentence to her husband.
The teacher stopped and asked, "What do you think she shouted?"
Most of the students excitedly answered, "I hate you! I was blind!"
Now, the teacher noticed a boy who was silent throughout, she got him to answer and he replied, "Teacher, I believe she would have shouted - Take care of our child!"
The teacher was surprised, asking "Have you heard this story before?"
The boy shook his head, "Nope, but that was what my mom told my dad before she died to disease".
The teacher lamented, "The answer is right".
The cruise ship sunk. The man went home and brought up their daughter single-handedly.
Many years later after the death of the man, their daughter found his diary while tidying his belongings.
It turns out that when parents went onto the cruise ship, the mother was already diagnosed with a terminal illness. At the critical moment, the father rushed to the only chance of survival.
He wrote in his diary, "How I wished to sink to the bottom of the ocean with you, but for the sake of our daughter, I can only let you lie forever below the sea alone".
The story is finished, the class was silent.
The teacher knows that the student has understood the moral of the story, that of the good and the evil in the world, there are many complications behind them which are hard to understand.
Which is why we should never only focus on the surface and judge others without understanding them first.
Those who like to pay the bill, do so not because they are loaded but because they value friendship above money.
Those who take the initiative at work, do so not because they are stupid but because they understand the concept of responsibility.
Those who apologize first after a fight, do so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.
Those who are willing to help you, do so not because they owe you anything but because they see you as a true friend.
Those who often text you, do so not because they have nothing better to do but because you are in their heart.
One day, all of us will get separated from each other; we will miss our conversations of everything and nothing; the dreams that we had. Days will pass by, months, years, until this contact becomes rare… One day our children will see our pictures and ask “Who are these people?” And we will smile with invisible tears because a heart is touched with a strong word and you will say: “It was them that I had the best days of my life with.”

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Papa Johns Dubai outlet - Oudh Metha Halal requirements

Just queried the restaurant management and wanted to share with public

Second Reply

Thank you Mr....

Yes the meats imported from Jordan is slaughtered as per Islamic principles and shariah guidelines.

We do not use Brazilian Sadia products.

Trust this answers your queries.

Best wishes,

First Reply

Dear Mr....,

At the outset, we appreciate you taking the time to write your query in, thank you.

Our meat and chicken are produced in Jordan and then imported into the United Arab Emirates. All meats and every product including Cheese, served in Papa John’s Pizza restaurants in the United Arab Emirates are 100% Halal. Please rest assured when dining with us or enjoying our products at home.

Best wishes

Our Query

Dear Sir,
Just had a visit to your restaurant in Dubai last night.
Want to find quick answers to the following questions 

1- Meat origin is from Australia ? or Saudia ?
Do we make sure that it is Zabiaha Halal ?
I need to know the country of origin for the meat

2- Chicken is from Brazil or where ?
Is it zabia halal ?
Which brand of chicken you are using

3- Cheese and other ingredients are halal or not ?
do we make sure that it is halal and no haram ingredients are there

Let me know

Monday, March 16, 2015

Pareshani - best ever explanation

Silent Message for all children - about Parents

Value of our parents - explained in few minutes

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mother's love

Great poetry by Iqbal
May Allah give us tofeeq to serve parents in their lives inshAllah

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mars Chocolate - Halal or Haram

Most of the chocolates contains whey powder - and the sources of it must be known to the consumers. When asking about it, I got the following reply from the company. Any comments are most welcome on this issue

Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding Mars products.
In answer to your questions; we can tell you that;-              Chocolates made by Mars and sold in the GCC and Middle East do not contain any animal ingredients other than milk and are fully compliant with the local laws and legislation. They are free from pork, pork products and alcohol.
-              Ingredients such as whey, glycerol and gluten are derived from a vegetable origin that is authorized by the Islamic Shariah laws. We hope that the above information answers your questions but should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us on
Kind Regards,
CynthiaConsumer Care GCC &

Monday, February 16, 2015

Toblerone Choclate is Vegetarian

Got this verification from the company website. Comments most welcome about this post.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Akhlaaq kaa Dars - Ata ullah shah bukhari

جالندهر کے خیر المدارس میں جلسہ ہوا اور جلسے کے اختتام پر کهانا لگا،
دستر خوان پر امیر شریعت مولانا عطا اللہ شاه بخاری رحمہ اللہ بهی تهے انکی نظر ایک نوجوان عیسائی پر پڑی تو اسکو فرمایا
" بهائی کهانا کها لو"
عیسائی نے جواب دیا
"جی میں تو بهنگی ہوں"
شاه جی نے درد بهرے لہجے میں فرمایا
"انسان تو ہو اور بهوک تو لگتی ہے"
یہ کہہ کر اٹهے اور اور اسکے ہاتھ دهلا کر اپنے ساته بٹها لیا ....
وہ بیچارہ تهر تهر کانپتا تها اور کہتا جاتا تها
"جی میں تو بهنگی ہوں"
"جی میں تو بهنگی ہوں"
شاہ صاحب نے خود لقمہ بنا کر اسکے منہ میں ڈالا،
اسکا حجاب اور خوف کچھ دور ہوا تو شاہ صاحب نے ایک آلو اس کے منہ میں ڈال دیا جب اس نے آدها آلو کاٹ لیا تو باقی آدها شاه صاحب نے خود کها لیا،
اسی طرح اس نے پانی پیا تو اسکا بچایا ہوا پانی بهی شاه صاحب نے پی لیا....
وقت گذر گیا اور وہ عیسائی کهانا کها کر غائب ہو گیا..
اس پر رقت طاری تهی،وہ خوب رویا اور اسکی کیفیت ہی بدل گئی....
عصر کے وقت وہ عیسائی اپنی بیوی اور بچے کو لے کر آیا اور کہا
" شاہ جی ! جو محبت کی آگ لگائی ہےوہ بجهائیں بهی آپ، اللہ کیلئے ہمیں کلمه پڑها کر مسلمان کر لیں"
اورمیاں بیوی دونوں مسلمان ہوگئے..
وه ادائے دلبری ہو یا نوائے عاشقانہ !!!
جو دلوں کو فتح کر لے وہی فاتح زمانہ
(بخاری کی باتیں، ص 29.30 )